I've added opentracing to my web app and am using the Jaeger all-in-one docker image as the collector. I'm running docker on windows 10 (hyper-v) and am using the Jaeger java client. When I test the web app locally on the host machine it sends traces successfully to the Jaeger collector docker instance. However, when I run the web app in another docker container no traces are registered in the Jaeger UI.
I've tried both containers on the same docker network with no success. The web app in the docker container can access other services in dockers contains such as a DB and an ETCD server with no issues.
I thought I might have the wrong ports but given the fact it works from the host environment I'm assuming these are correct and that it is a docker configuration issue. I've also set JAEGER_SAMPLER_TYPE environment variable to const and the JAEGER_SAMPLER_PARAM to 1 to ensure all traces are logged.
Edit - when I look at the metrics it seems like the jaeger is receiving the spans. Every call I make to the app increments this count by one.
jaeger_spans_received_total{debug="false",format="proto",svc="datastore",transport="grpc"} 35
jaeger_spans_saved_by_svc_total{debug="false",result="ok",svc="datastore"} 35
jaeger_traces_received_total{debug="false",format="proto",sampler_type="const",svc="datastore",transport="grpc"} 35
jaeger_traces_saved_by_svc_total{debug="false",result="ok",sampler_type="const",svc="datastore"} 35
I also tried the sample project Hotrod as suggested by Yuri Shkuro on a similar issue someone had. Exact same result as above. Metrics shows spans being received but nothing is displayed in UI. Edit 2 - I've narrowed it down to happening in a hyper-v windows 10 VM.
Any help would be appreciated.
Thanks is host machine
# deployment of jaeger
docker run --name jaeger-collector -d -p 5775:5775/udp -p 6831:6831/udp -p 6832:6832/udp -p 5778:5778 -p 16686:16686 -p 14268:14268 --network mynetwork jaegertracing/all-in-one:latest
# deployment of app
docker run --add-host etcd-01: --name datastore -d -it --rm -p 8030:8080 --network mynetwork datastore:latest
Setting up Jaeger tracer in Java
private static io.opentracing.Tracer getJaegerTracer() {
Configuration.SamplerConfiguration samplerConfig = Configuration.SamplerConfiguration.fromEnv().withType("const").withParam(1);
Configuration.SenderConfiguration senderConfig = Configuration.SenderConfiguration.fromEnv()
Configuration.ReporterConfiguration reporterConfig = Configuration.ReporterConfiguration.fromEnv().withLogSpans(true).withSender(senderConfig);
Configuration config = new Configuration(DatastoreConstants.SERVICE_NAME).withSampler(samplerConfig).withReporter(reporterConfig);
return config.getTracer();