
How I can get value of second IP address from Terraform module EC2.

Module- https://github.com/cloudposse/terraform-aws-ec2-instance

I've created instance EC2 with parameter additional_ips_count = 1. In this situation instance has create with two network interface and I need get value public IP address of second network interface.

Normally the module allows me to extract the value of public ip from the value of public_ip. For example, if I create a module called server, I can get the value of the public IP address from the first network interface using the value module.server.public_ip but how to do it for the second network created using a variable additional_ips_count = 1.

The module doesn't expose it in any way so your options are to fork the module to add the appropriate output yourself, drop the module altogether and either write your own or directly use the resources or raise a feature request on the issue tracker.ydaetskcoR

1 Answers


You can parse out the values for the value returned from the output module.multiple_ip.additional_eni_ids.

module "multiple_ip" {
  source                      = "git::https://github.com/cloudposse/terraform-aws-ec2-instance.git?ref=master"
  ssh_key_pair                = var.key_name
  vpc_id                      = var.vpc_id
  security_groups             = [data.aws_security_group.this.id]
  subnet                      = data.aws_subnet.private_subnet.id
  associate_public_ip_address = true
  name                        = "multiple-ip"
  namespace                   = "eg"
  stage                       = "dev"
  additional_ips_count        = 1
  ebs_volume_count            = 2
  allowed_ports               = [22, 80, 443]
  instance_type               = var.instance_type

output "multiple_ip_additional_eni_ids" {
  value = module.multiple_ip.additional_eni_ids

output "z_additional_eni_public_ip" {
  value = values(module.multiple_ip.additional_eni_ids)[0]

This will return the ip want.


multiple_ip_additional_eni_ids = {
  "eni-0cc853fb9301b2bc8" = ""
z_additional_eni_public_ip =