I'm trying to create a BQ table using Terraform ingesting data from Google Sheets here is my external_data_configuration block
resource "google_bigquery_table" "sheet" {
dataset_id = google_bigquery_dataset.bq-dataset.dataset_id
table_id = "sheet"
external_data_configuration {
autodetect = true
source_format = "GOOGLE_SHEETS"
google_sheets_options {
skip_leading_rows = 1
source_uris = [
I made the file public but when I try to create the table I get the error:
Error: googleapi: Error 400: Error while reading table: sheet, error message: Failed to read the spreadsheet. Errors: No OAuth token with Google Drive scope was found., invalid
I read Terraform documentation and it seems that I need to specify access_token and scopes in my provider.tf file I just don't know how to do that as I think it will conflict with my current authentication method (service account)
Add the scopes argument to your provider.tf
provider "google" {
credentials = "${file("${var.path}/secret.json")}"
scopes = ["https://www.googleapis.com/auth/drive","https://www.googleapis.com/auth/bigquery"]
project = "${var.project_id}"
region = "${var.gcp_region}"
You need to add the scope for Google Driver and Bigquery