So basically you want to generate a report of a hierarchy of your objects, tasks and events in the described order whenever you click a button.
In this solution I have provided the code you will need for the most complicated part and then guidance for the rest of the steps.
- Add a button to your sheet with the data in Insert->Drawing and draw your button.
- Create a new sheet and insert the following formulas as shown in this picture:
These forumulas will basically detect any change in values in the designated columns (in our case the columns for the Object Ids and the Task Ids) which will be helpful for then generating the report.

- After this head over the script editor and use the following function to generate an array of objects with the right data ordered hierarchically. The following piece of code contains self explanatory comments. This is the most tricky part and takes use of the previously created sheet to know where are our Object and Task Id changing and store the right information in the right place.
For this data:

This will be the generated object after running the function:
[{ObjectId=1.0, 1={TaskId=S02, Events=[[3242.0]], TaskMore=ppp, Description=ppp}, 0={TaskId=S01, Description=qqq, Events=[[1.0], [23.0], [324.0]], TaskMore=qqq}, ObjectMore=aaaa, ObjectDesc=aaaa, 2={TaskMore=lll, Events=[[3.0]], TaskId=S03, Description=lll}, ObjectProgress=0.7}, {3={Description=www, Events=[[43.0]], TaskMore=www, TaskId=T01}, 5={TaskId=T03, Events=[[5.0]], TaskMore=ttt, Description=ttt}, ObjectMore=bbbb, 4={Description=eee, TaskId=T02, TaskMore=eee, Events=[[54.0], [4.0]]}, ObjectDesc=bbbb, 6={Description=yyy, Events=[[345.0], [343.0]], TaskId=T04, TaskMore=yyy}, ObjectProgress=0.33, ObjectId=2.0}]
function myFunction() {
var sheetData = SpreadsheetApp.getActive().getSheetByName('Sheet1');
var sheetHelp = SpreadsheetApp.getActive().getSheetByName('Sheet2');
var Objects = []
var ObjectIds = sheetHelp.getRange(2, 1,sheetHelp.getLastRow(),1).getValues().flat();
var TaskIds = sheetHelp.getRange(2, 2,sheetHelp.getLastRow(),2).getValues().flat();
ObjectIds = ObjectIds.filter(item => item);
TaskIds = TaskIds.filter(item => item);
ObjectId: sheetData.getRange(parseInt(ObjectIds[i]), 1).getValue(),
ObjectDesc : sheetData.getRange(parseInt(ObjectIds[i]), 2).getValue(),
ObjectMore : sheetData.getRange(parseInt(ObjectIds[i]), 3).getValue(),
ObjectProgress : sheetData.getRange(parseInt(ObjectIds[i]), 4).getValue()
var lastRow = sheetHelp.getLastRow();
if(TaskIds[j]<ObjectIds[i+1] && TaskIds[j]>=ObjectIds[i]){
var events = sheetData.getRange(TaskIds[j], 8,TaskIds[j+1]-TaskIds[j],1).getValues();
Objects[i][j] = {
TaskId : sheetData.getRange(parseInt(TaskIds[j]),5).getValue(),
Description : sheetData.getRange(parseInt(TaskIds[j]),6).getValue(),
TaskMore : sheetData.getRange(parseInt(TaskIds[j]),7).getValue(),
Events : events
- Go back to the button you created and on its options under Assign Script select our function
- Once you have this array of objects with the right hierarchical information, then it is up to you the way you want to use it for generating reports. You could either:
- Use the array of JSON objects to generate an HTML email for sending reports through Gmail whenever you click the sheet button.
- Generate a new sheet and paste this data with the structure you shown in the picture (much easier to automate now that you have your data sorted), export as PDF and delete this sheet as its purpose was only to generate this PDF report.
- Send it to other services as an array of JSON that then they can easily use.
For the second scenario of this fifth step, I am providing here some guidance as an example of how this could be implemented (a minimal example). Let me know if you need further guidance.
Basically, you would create this new sheet in your spreadsheet and then iterate over our array of objects and over our json objects to set the cell values of our new sheet in their adecuate place. Note that I have also edited the previous code I had to make a call to this new function from myFunction()
The following code has self explanatory comments and it will basically print the object ids that exist in your sheet:
function downloadReport(object){
var sheet = SpreadsheetApp.getActive().insertSheet().setName('Download');
sheet.getRange(i+1, 1).setValue(object[i]['ObjectId']);
I hope this has helped you. Let me know if you need anything else or if you did not understood something. :)