
I need to search a range of cells for string values. Initially I had been hardcoding the criteria values into the formula and using COUNTIF, as below, which would return a value TRUE if the text string appeared anywhere in the search range.

=COUNTIF(A1:D1, "*VALUE1*") + COUNTIF(A1:D1, "*VALUE2*") + ... <0

However the list of criteria values I need to search has grown and hardcoding them is no longer viable. I know that COUNTIF criteria cannot reference a range, and needing wildcards also makes it tricky.

Anyone aware of any neat solutions?


Do you want to put your VALUEs in a separate column ???Gary's Student
If a string contains both VALUE1 and VALUE2 your formula counts it twice, is that what you want ??Gary's Student
If a string contains both, all I need is a TRUE result. If a string is "xxxValue1" is in my search range I need it to register as TRUE also.Sean

3 Answers


You can try SUMPRODUCT with SEARCH functions:


enter image description here


Try the following:


Where F1:F2 references your range with criteria. As with the other answer, if both values occur in a single cell they will both be counted.

enter image description here

N.B.:If you need to compare to 0 just use =SUMPRODUCT(COUNTIF(A1:D1,"*"&F1:F2&"*"))>0 to return TRUE or FALSE


Just throwing my hat in:


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