
I have a layout defined for agents to move from one rectangular node to another, based on a list in a database. So for example, agent 1 will go to 'lane' 701, then on to 702, etc.

The layout looks like this:

example of layout

The agents move enter from the top left, along the x to the end of that row, then down to the bottom and out to the right, visiting the 'lanes' on their way.

However, I've noticed that one agent has its first lane in the bottom right so rather than following the path across and then down, it's using the shortest distance and moving on the diagonal straight to the lane in the corner:

movement behaviour

Is there something in the software that I can set to strictly follow the paths set? I cannot work out why the agent is breaking the path so I can only assume it's something I am missing.


1 Answers


in the first place, your agent is doing this diagonal probably because you have 2 different networks... if your destination is not in the current network, then the agent will use the shortest distance to the destination, which seems to be your case.

On the other hand, you can't control how the agents move on your network, and it will always take the shortest path or some optimized option... in order to make them follow the path you want, you need to generate intermediary destinations.