Windows Filtering Platform provides API to develop both Kernel mode and User mode network filter driver.
Is it possible to develop User mode Network filter driver on NDIS using Windows API?
1 Answers
Windows does not have the infrastructure to do NDIS-level filtering from within a usermode process. You can build it yourself: write an NDIS filter that forwards IOs to usermode, gracefully cope with timeouts and crashes, while making it both secure and fast. As I'm sure you can imagine, this is not a trivial task, and it's almost certainly easier to just build your solution entirely in a monolithic kernel driver.
This is a reasonable feature request! The NDIS team wants to have a usermode filtering model. However, our more immediate roadmap has a usermode NIC driver (NetAdapter). After that, we may be able to tackle usermode filtering. Unfortunately, that would be years away, so you probably can't just wait for us to get there.