
I'm currently trying to make my Tracking Opt-In. Meaning that before Google Analytics tracks the user, the user has to give consent. My website uses Nuxtjs and the @nuxtjs/google-tag-manager. In the nuxt-config.js I set it up like this modules: [ 'nuxt-leaflet', '@nuxtjs/redirect-module', ['@nuxtjs/moment', { locales: ['de'], plugin: false }], ['@nuxtjs/sitemap', { path: '/sitemap.xml', generate: false, cacheTime: (1000 * 60 * 60), // generate every hour gzip: true, hostname: 'https://kreuzwerker.de', routes () { return generateSitemap() } }], ['@nuxtjs/google-tag-manager', { id: '/*GTM-Code*/', dev: true // to disable in dev mode }] ], and it works perfectly fine but now I want to connect it somehow to my Cookie Consent Form. How would I do that?


1 Answers


First of all, you're using a deprecated nuxtjs module; use the new GTM module, right here; https://github.com/nuxt-community/gtm-module.

In your config, make sure you've set the following:

gtm: {
  autoInit: false

Once you've gotten consent, in your form, call a callback function which calls the GTM init function; $gtm.init('GTM-XXXXXXX').

Good luck, read the GitHub page it explains it all.