
I'm getting a baffling behavior when using Ring where POST requests all give "Invalid anti-forgery token" but only do this when I have the handler behind a function.


(def app app-routes)

works fine.


(defn app [args] 
  (app-routes args))

throws anti-forgery errors for POST requests.

Minimal code example. :

(defroutes app-routes
  (GET "/login" request (fn [req]
                              [:form {:action "/login" :method "post"}
                               [:input {:name "username"}]
                               [:input {:name "password"}]
                               [:button {:type "submit"} "submit"]]]])))

  (POST "/login" request (fn [req] "Yay!")))

; WORKS A-OK like this
(def app (-> app-routes (wrap-routes site-defaults)))

In my project.clj

:plugins [[lein-ring "0.12.5"]]
:ring {:handler myapp.application/app

But again, if I change this to be a function:

(defroutes app-routes
  (GET "/login" request (fn [req]
                              [:form {:action "/login" :method "post"}
                               [:input {:name "username"}]
                               [:input {:name "password"}]
                               [:button {:type "submit"} "submit"]]]])))

  (POST "/login" request (fn [req] "Yay!")))

(defn app [args] 
  (let [handler (-> app-routes (wrap-routes site-defaults)))]
    (handler args)))

the all post requests fail due to forgery tokens. All GET requests work fine.

Stranger still: I thought maybe it didn't like being re-initialized, so I stuffed it into an atom to make it more singleton-like

(def handler (atom nil))
(defn app [args] 
  (swap! handler #(when (nil? %)
                    (-> app-routes
                        (wrap-defaults site-defaults))))
  (@handler args))

Now GET and POST requests work as expected. Except now wrap-reload (not pictured above) throws exceptions!

I have no idea why it is behaving this way, and have been completely unable to debug. Could anyone shed some light?


For context on why I'm trying to wrap it at all: I want to be able to wire up dependencies (like database connections) and then inject them into the controllers used by the routes .

I notice that some of your wraps are (wrap-routes site-defaults) rather than (wrap-defaults site-defaults).clartaq

1 Answers


I'm not an expert on wrap-routes, but there are clear clues to your problem.

In method #1 with def, you create a handler and assign it to the var attached to the symbol app.

In method #2 (failing), you define a function app. Since handler is now in the let form, you are creating a new handler on each function call. I'd wager that is the source of the problem.

In method #3, the handler atom is only initialized upon the first call, and never changed after that (because of the nil? test).

Since it works in #1 and #3 when the handler is only created once, it seems clear that creating a new handler on each call in #2 is the problem. Since the anti-forgery token is basically a random number that is different on each call to wrap-routes, you never have the same token used by the POST that was generated by the GET route.

Re your larger goal: You may find it easier to use the Pedestal framework to inject the desired dependencies into the request. Or, you could write a simple Compojure handler (really just a function that takes a handler and returnes a wrapped version of that handler). Probably only 5-10 lines of code.

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