
Am using IntellIJ IDEA Ultimate Edition 2020.1.2 and Tomcat 8.5.55 on macOS Catalina 10.15.5

Have setup a run configuration inside IntelliJ for Tomcat.

enter image description here

enter image description here

Am able to run Tomcat via IntelliJ IDEA and everything works (am able to run tomcat and see my webapp inside Google Chrome & see catalina.out via IntelliJ) but when I go to the webapps dir, I don't see the unpacked war file anywhere?

cd $CATALINA_HOME/webapps


Directory listing:

ROOT        docs        examples    host-manager    manager


  1. How can I setup / edit my Tomcat local run configuration to move the war file (whether exploded or not) inside $CATALINA_HOME/webapps?

  2. Where is this IntelliJ generated war file located?


1 Answers

  1. Configure the artifact output path to be under webapps directory.

  2. In the artifact output directory.

Normally there is no need to change it, IntelliJ IDEA instructs Tomcat to deploy from the configured artifact output location.