
I am unpivoting few columns which are extracted from a Date field, to show as a radio button in the slicer.(fields are: "Daily", "Yearly", "monthly", "quarterly") Qs.1: Can I show these values in a custom order like: "yearly", "quarterly", "monthly", "Daily" enter image description here

Data format( I have used the "Attribute" column in the slicer to achieve the radio buttons) enter image description here

Qs.2: To sort the x-axis I have used the main date field("app_submitted_date) on the tooltip. If I don't use the "app_submitted_date" on tooltip will not be able to sort x-axis when "quarterly" & "monthly" is chosen. While using the "app_submitted_date" filed on tooltip I am getting the tooltip in the following format: enter image description here

How to customize the tooltip so that it will only show ( Female: count, Male: Count, Not Disclosed: count, Date: whatever date it is) Please let me know for any clarification in the question.


2 Answers


Formatting the tool tip directly as you have suggested cannot be done, however there is a work around with 'Tool Tip' pages, that may help you show what you need.

You create a new page, with the measures in, this is then displayed as a tooltip over your data. Image taken from the MS Docs website

enter image description here


Qs-1 Solution

Create a small table with two columns & 4 rows :

  1. Attribute Names
  2. Index

as follows :

| Year      | 1 |
| Quater    | 2 |
| Month     | 3 |
| Daily     | 4 |

Then, create a 1 to many relation between this table and the table that you showed in the question (Attribute to Attribute connect).

Then, instead of take the contents of this attribute column as a filter and prior to that sort this attribute column by index in the "Table View".

Qs-2 Solution

For this solution, I agree with the answer provided by Jon. There is no way to hide the thing that you have taken in tool tip; as of now.