I am trying to prevent user to copy an encrypted email when it is open to be read. To restrict right click + Copy I have used contextMenu in CustomUI which is working. I need to restrict the Keyboard ctrl+c.
Already tried low level hook and it is actually detecting the key strokes. Detecting text changes in Word 2016 from VSTO add-in The problem is even if I clear the Clipboard using ClipBoard.SetText(string.Empty) the selected text is getting copied. I assume the copy operation is happening afterwards.
Any suggestion would be appreciated.
I am using C#, VSTO outlook Addin.
Windows 10
users could also resort toWindows+Shift+S
and do a screen copy. Or they could make use of the Snipping Tool. Also, they could print the mail to PDF and copy text from the resulting PDF file. – Axel Kemper