
I am trying to prevent user to copy an encrypted email when it is open to be read. To restrict right click + Copy I have used contextMenu in CustomUI which is working. I need to restrict the Keyboard ctrl+c.

Already tried low level hook and it is actually detecting the key strokes. Detecting text changes in Word 2016 from VSTO add-in The problem is even if I clear the Clipboard using ClipBoard.SetText(string.Empty) the selected text is getting copied. I assume the copy operation is happening afterwards.

Any suggestion would be appreciated.

I am using C#, VSTO outlook Addin.

Windows 10 users could also resort to Windows+Shift+S and do a screen copy. Or they could make use of the Snipping Tool. Also, they could print the mail to PDF and copy text from the resulting PDF file.Axel Kemper
Thanks for pointing out this. Any idea how to handle this in VSTO for Outlook?Himel
There is no chance to prevent unauthorized screen copies. Everything a user can see, can be seen and stored by a camera. Such hurdles make life cumbersome but do not reach their goal.Axel Kemper
Thanks, my current input is to restrict copy from keyboard in email body. Interested to know how that can be achieved via VSTO outlook addinHimel

1 Answers


In case anyone comes to this question, I found below helpful

Excel VSTO Key hook