I am facing a contour problem, so that you can read the license plate in a correct way, it is best to take out the contours, and thus perhaps apply some OCR.
For example if I want to use this photo, you can see that on the axis it has a white outline, how could I eliminate those white outlines in a generic way? for can be used on more license plates
I am thinking of applying a threshold in the 2 axis (horizontally and vertically) again to clean possible white borders, any ideas?
A little what I'm have made:
# Creating copies of the original images
output_cp = output.copy()
img_cp = straightened.copy()
# threshold
ret,thresh = cv2.threshold(output_cp, 215, 255, cv2.THRESH_BINARY_INV)
But then when It suposed to work, doesn't work because it is a binary image,
pseudo-code, when xxx
I don't know what contour apply:
mask = np.zeros(image.shape, np.uint8)
mask_cnt = cv2.drawContours(mask.copy(), [xxx], 0, (255,255,255,255), -1)
removed = cv2.subtract(mask_cnt, image)
plt.imshow(removed, cmap='gray')
Any help is welcome!