I have a set of data with different date ranges for different locations. I would like my date range widget to update the minimum and maximum dates after selecting a location with the select box widget.
I have tried the steps mentioned in https://mastering-shiny.org/action-dynamic.html#hierarchical-select and have modified it for the date range widget but it does not seem to be working. I have included a reprex below where the start date doesn't seem to update after selecting locations B or C but not A.
# Loading up packages required ----
packages <-
c("data.table", "lubridate", "magrittr", "stringr", "shiny")
invisible(lapply(packages, library, character.only = TRUE))
# Dummy data ----
dummy_data <- data.table(
location = c(rep("A", 10L),
rep("B", 5L),
rep("C", 3L)),
date = c(
seq.Date(Sys.Date() - 10L, by = 1L, length.out = 10L),
seq.Date(Sys.Date() - 5L, by = 1L, length.out = 5L),
seq.Date(Sys.Date() - 3L, by = 1L, length.out = 3L)
counts = round(runif(18L) * 10L, digits = 0L)
# Define UI ----
ui <- fluidPage(
h3('Filtering Criteria'),
selectInput("location", label = h4('Location'),
choices = c("All", unique(dummy_data$location))),
label = h4('Date Range (YYYY-MM-DD)'),
min = min(dummy_data$date),
start = min(dummy_data$date),
max = max(dummy_data$date),
end = max(dummy_data$date))
# Define server logic ----
server <- function(input, output, session) {
# Filter location
location_filter <- reactive({
if (input$location == "All") {
} else {
dummy_data[location == input$location]
observeEvent(location_filter(), {
min = min(location_filter()$date),
start = min(location_filter()$date),
end = max(location_filter()$date),
max = max(location_filter()$date))
# Table Output
output$data <- renderTable({
location_filter() %>%
.[date >= input$date_range[1] & date <= input$date_range[2]] %>%
.[, date := as.character(date)]
# Run the app ----
shinyApp(ui = ui, server = server)
I am very new to shiny as I've just picked it up 2-3 weeks ago so please be gentle with me if it's a noob mistake.