
I have developed a simple Django app, using Spotify API and Spotipy Authorisation (authorisation flow). This runs a localhost server where I click a simple button which creates a playlist in Spotify.

My issue however is in setting this up for an alternative user to login via their credentials and gain authorisation.

Atm, I have set this app up using a hardcoded cid and client secret within the views.py module (in the backend). This uses the following code to gain auth.

token = util.prompt_for_user_token(username, scope, client_id= cid, client_secret= secret, redirect_uri=r_uri)

My index.html file then links a button to this script so that when clicked, the playlist is created. I expect this index.html needs to be updated to allow the user to login to their own spotify account and to authorise their token. However I am unsure on how to update this or if I am on the right track.

Alternatively, I think I may need to restart the project using java to gain authorisation for another user or using Implicit Grant Auth method, if spotipy authorisation cannot be used.

Why don’t you use Ajax in JavaScript to send the new token to the backend?Nir Elbaz
I can look into this but in first instance I am aiming to complete the app with the current set up, I'm new to server side/web development so appreciate any suggestion thoughStackColumn
Just for me to understand, you have the token hardcoded , and it is ok for the first user , now you want that a new user will log on and you want to send his token code ( do you know it ? Is it an input the user gives?) from the client to the server , am I right?Nir Elbaz
Yes, the cid and secret are currently hardcoded within the script which relate to my spotify developer credentials. This works when I run on localhost and click the button, as it directs direct to the script. The aim is for the user to log onto their own spotify account (login/password) to retrieve their username and to still use my app cid/secret in the backend, to then request a token.StackColumn
I am not familiar with Spotify API, but from a brief look , what i would do, it pass the user idNir Elbaz

2 Answers


You won't be able to use prompt_for_user_token for this because it is a helper meant to be used locally by a single user and will block the app if the signin process is not completed.

Have a look at this Flask python app and adapt it to make it work in Django. https://github.com/plamere/spotipy/blob/master/examples/app.py

It does everything you need:

  • uses python and spotipy
  • allows user to login using a link
  • allows user to do any action by clicking another link
  • keeps client id and secret on the backend

Have fun!


I am not very familiar with Spottily API , but what i would try to do it to get the user id as describe below:


from the client to the server using Ajax ,and then in the client

use the the Playlist API:
