I am attempting to create a Container Instances as a private network attached to an existing VNET and subnet. I managed to get this running yesterday, but doing updates or refreshing the image was painfully slow. I am consuming a private image on dockerhub.
Now when I attempt to create an ACI with the same VNET, subnet and image I get the error:
This is the command I am using when attempting creation via the CLI, though reassuringly (I think) I get the exact same error as via the portal.
// Fails
az container create
--resource-group xxx
--cpu 2
--memory 3
--image xxx/xxx:latest
--ip-address Private
--location WestEurope
--name acixxxtest
--os-type Linux
--ports 2001
--protocol TCP
--registry-login-server index.docker.io
--registry-password xxx
--registry-username xxx
--restart-policy OnFailure
--subnet /subscriptions/xxx/resourceGroups/xxx/providers/Microsoft.Network/virtualNetworks/xxx/subnets/xxxx
--vnet /subscriptions/xxx/resourceGroups/xxx/providers/Microsoft.Network/virtualNetworks/xxx
I have tried setting up this exact same image with a public network and it completes fine, also updates and restarts work as expected.
// Works
az container create
--resource-group xxx
--cpu 2
--memory 3
--image xxx/xxx:latest
--ip-address Public
--location WestEurope
--name acixxxtest
--os-type Linux
--ports 2001
--protocol TCP
--registry-login-server index.docker.io
--registry-password xxx
--registry-username xxx
--restart-policy OnFailure
I have also had issues deleting the associated network profiles, but I have found a workaround for that as I see it is a known issue.
I have attempted this on two different subscriptions with the exact same results with varying different combinations of CPU/RAM etc. The common denominator appears to be adding any sort of VNET.
Using the link below I thought I was somehow maybe violating resource limit usages for the 'West Europe' location, but from what I can see I am within the bounds.
I should also mentioned I have tried this with the OOTB NGINX image and it fails also
It would be much appreciated if anyone had any advice or feedback or shared a similar experience.
Seems others are having the same issue: Azure container instances (ACI) deployment to virtual network fails (region: westeurope)