
CakePHP Version: 4.0.1


This problem follows on from another problem I had here where a not ideal solution was to redirect back to itself. Unfortunately the controller I was testing didn't have any associated columns so this new problem was not identified.

I referenced this in the cookbook.

Hopefully the below code will allow the problem to be reproduced.

Contacts Table

public function initialize(array $config): void


    $this->belongsTo('Users', [
        'foreignKey' => 'user_id',
        'joinType' => 'INNER'

    $this->belongsTo('Accounts', [
        'foreignKey' => 'account_id'


// Custom Finder
public function findSuperuserAllContacts(Query $query, array $options): object
        ->where(['Contacts.status' => $options['status']])
            'Users.client_id' => $options['client_id'],
            'Users.status' => 1

    return $query;

Contacts Controller

public $paginate = [
    'sortWhitelist' => [

public function index() {

    $query = (object) $this->Contacts->find('superuserAllContacts', [
        'contain' => ['Users', 'Accounts'],
        'status' => 1,
        'client_id' => 1001

    $page = '';
    $sort = 'Accounts.account_name';
    $direction = 'asc';

    $config = $this->paginate = [                
        'page' => $page,
        'sort' => $sort,
        'direction' => $direction,
        'limit' => 10

    $contacts = $this->Paginator->paginate($query, $config);


What Happens

The page displays a type error in the framework.


strtolower() expects parameter 1 to be a string, bool given

public function sortDir(?string $model = null, array $options = []): string
    $dir = null;

    if (empty($options)) {
        $options = $this->params($model);

    if (isset($options['direction'])) {

        debug($options['direction']);  // THIS IS FALSE NOT asc or desc?

        $dir = strtolower($options['direction']);

    if ($dir === 'desc') {
        return 'desc';

    return 'asc';

Stacktrace from error.log

2020-06-01 10:33:20 Error: [TypeError] strtolower() expects parameter 1 to be string, bool given in C:\xampp\htdocs\crm\vendor\cakephp\cakephp\src\View\Helper\PaginatorHelper.php on line 264

Stack Trace:
- C:\xampp\htdocs\crm\vendor\cakephp\cakephp\src\View\Helper\PaginatorHelper.php:264
- C:\xampp\htdocs\crm\templates\Contacts\index.php:5
- C:\xampp\htdocs\crm\vendor\cakephp\cakephp\src\View\View.php:1164
- C:\xampp\htdocs\crm\vendor\cakephp\cakephp\src\View\View.php:1125
- C:\xampp\htdocs\crm\vendor\cakephp\cakephp\src\View\View.php:750
- C:\xampp\htdocs\crm\vendor\cakephp\cakephp\src\Controller\Controller.php:691
- C:\xampp\htdocs\crm\vendor\cakephp\cakephp\src\Controller\Controller.php:533
- C:\xampp\htdocs\crm\vendor\cakephp\cakephp\src\Controller\ControllerFactory.php:79
- C:\xampp\htdocs\crm\vendor\cakephp\cakephp\src\Http\BaseApplication.php:229
- C:\xampp\htdocs\crm\vendor\cakephp\cakephp\src\Http\Runner.php:77
- C:\xampp\htdocs\crm\vendor\cakephp\authentication\src\Middleware\AuthenticationMiddleware.php:122
- C:\xampp\htdocs\crm\vendor\cakephp\cakephp\src\Http\Runner.php:73
- C:\xampp\htdocs\crm\vendor\cakephp\cakephp\src\I18n\Middleware\LocaleSelectorMiddleware.php:70
- C:\xampp\htdocs\crm\vendor\cakephp\cakephp\src\Http\Runner.php:73
- C:\xampp\htdocs\crm\vendor\cakephp\cakephp\src\Http\Runner.php:77
- C:\xampp\htdocs\crm\vendor\cakephp\cakephp\src\Http\Middleware\CsrfProtectionMiddleware.php:132
- C:\xampp\htdocs\crm\vendor\cakephp\cakephp\src\Http\Runner.php:73
- C:\xampp\htdocs\crm\vendor\cakephp\cakephp\src\Http\Runner.php:58
- C:\xampp\htdocs\crm\vendor\cakephp\cakephp\src\Routing\Middleware\RoutingMiddleware.php:162
- C:\xampp\htdocs\crm\vendor\cakephp\cakephp\src\Http\Runner.php:73
- C:\xampp\htdocs\crm\vendor\cakephp\cakephp\src\Routing\Middleware\AssetMiddleware.php:68
- C:\xampp\htdocs\crm\vendor\cakephp\cakephp\src\Http\Runner.php:73
- C:\xampp\htdocs\crm\vendor\cakephp\cakephp\src\Error\Middleware\ErrorHandlerMiddleware.php:118
- C:\xampp\htdocs\crm\vendor\cakephp\cakephp\src\Http\Runner.php:73
- C:\xampp\htdocs\crm\vendor\cakephp\debug_kit\src\Middleware\DebugKitMiddleware.php:60
- C:\xampp\htdocs\crm\vendor\cakephp\cakephp\src\Http\Runner.php:73
- C:\xampp\htdocs\crm\vendor\cakephp\cakephp\src\Http\Runner.php:58
- C:\xampp\htdocs\crm\vendor\cakephp\cakephp\src\Http\Server.php:90
- C:\xampp\htdocs\crm\webroot\index.php:40

Request URL: /contacts
Referer URL: https://localhost/crm/welcome


Why is a type error displayed instead of loading the index template with the sort on the account_name?

Thanks Z.


I've just tried a fresh install with

composer self-update && composer create-project --prefer-dist cakephp/app:4.* crm

and baked users, contacts and accounts.

The new version is 4.0.8 and I added the code I have above in the new project but unfortunatley got exactly the same type error.

If the sort is on the same table, ie: Contacts.last_name the last name has the sort on it but if I change it to the associated table Accounts.account_name the type error is displayed.

What does your Contacts\index.php template do on line 5?ndm
Also note that you are not passing a sort field whitelist, which is required for using fields of associations.ndm
@ndm - The Contacts\index.php template on line 5 is: debug($this->Paginator->sortDir());. Also could I ask you to expand a little on not passing the sort field whitelist as I thought I had. I have declared the sort fields whitelist in the public pagination property as shown in the post. Is that not passing the sort field whitelist?Zenzs
It isn't, no, that property is used by the Controller::paginate() method, the paginator component doesn't pick it up on its own, but even if it would, you're completely overwriting it in your controller action.ndm
@ndm - Ah - Well I'm not sure how to pass the sort field whitelist then. I referenced the 4 cookbook here: book.cakephp.org/4/en/controllers/components/… and it doesn't state anything else. Would you mind letting me know how to do it or where I can find out how to do it.Zenzs

1 Answers


The sort field whitelist must be passed in the config when using the paginator directly.

$config = $this->paginate = [
    'sortWhitelist' => [
    'page' => $page,
    'sort' => $sort,
    'direction' => $direction,
    'limit' => 10

$contacts = $this->Paginator->paginate($query, $config);

The sort is now displayed on the account_name.