I have a Master Google Sheet with five columns that automatically gets updated daily.
Date Event Value1 Value2 Value3
May 1 ABC A Yes Yes
May 1 ABC B Yes Yes
May 1 ABC C Yes Yes
May 1 DEF A Yes Yes
May 1 DEF B Yes Yes
May 1 GHI A Yes Yes
May 1 GHI C Yes Yes
May 2 ABC A Yes Yes
May 2 DEF D Yes Yes
May 2 GHI C Yes Yes
The same document has a corresponding sheet for the three types of events in the Master Sheet: ABC, DEF and GHI. These sheets have existing values in it.
I would like a Google Apps Script to only append unique and new values from Value1 to corresponding Event sheets on edit of the Master sheet. Example:
Sheet ABC
Sheet DEF
Sheet GHI
It's not really dependent on the date, but rather looking through what already exists in the corresponding sheets.
I'm a complete beginner in Google Apps Scripts. I've looked into other solutions and the furthest I've gone is to find how to dynamically create the different sheets based off of the Event value from here.
The only issue is that this copies over all rows which means I get duplicates in my other sheets.
function createNewSheets() {
var spreadsheet = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet();
var masterSheet = spreadsheet.getSheetByName('Raw');
var data_range = masterSheet.getRange('B:C').getValues();
// Get headers row (to be appended on top when new sheet is created):
var headers = data_range[0];
// Iterate through all rows of data from Raw:
for (var i = 1; i < data_range.length; i++) {
var row = data_range[i]; // Current row
var eventName = row[0]; // Event name
// Get sheet with current event name:
var sheet = spreadsheet.getSheetByName(eventName);
// Check if sheet with current event name exists. If it doesn't it creates it:
if (!sheet) {
sheet = spreadsheet.insertSheet(eventName);
// Appends current row of data to the new sheet:
I just need help changing the sheet.appendRow(row);
line to only pull unique values.