
I am deploying an angular 6 app to IIS. I installed IIS Rewrite module and also updated the web.config file and index.html file with Base URLs and rewrite rules.

Issue is Login page shows up without the logo/images. I tried to see what is wrong. http://localhost/ATSTV2/#/login (This shows up the login page with controls and without images)

I looked at the image urls referred and it shows up an the source as http://localhost/assets/Logo_White.png which is incorrect. The correct image link is http://localhost/ATSTV2/assets/Logo_White.png

Apart from changing my web.config and index.html for base URL, should I make some global changes and ensure the static urls are referred correctly?

This whole application works locally just fine with angular CLI ng serve. But when deploying to server I am deploying it to IIS and hence following some suggested approaches in the internet.

Angular.json snippet

Does your routing work otherwise?David
Yes. I am able to navigate using my menu options and other controls display and work fineSARAVAN
Feel free to post your solution and mark it as an answer so as to help whoever also ran into this issue. stackoverflow.com/questions/51182322/…Abraham Qian

2 Answers


make build with command

ng build --base-href="/ATSTV2/"

You an use the deploy-url option to specify the url from which to load js/css files.

ng build ... --deploy-url /ATSTV2/


Try modifying angular.json file and set deployUrl : "/ATSTV2/ to projects->YourProjectName->architect->build->options

 "projects": {
    "YourProjectName": {
      "architect": {
        "build": {
          "builder": "@angular-devkit/build-angular:browser",
          "options": {
            "deployUrl" : "/ATSTV2/",