I have been working on a AWS Lex Bot with multiple Intents. Currently I am having an issue where Slots with the Slot Type AMAZON.AlphaNumberic only accepts numbers.
When I type in a word like, "Test" it does not continue on to the next Slot, but when typing in a number like "1" it goes to the next Slot.
I am not sure why this is happening, but it has only started doing this a few days ago.
What I have tried: Changing the Slot Type to AMAZON.NUMBER, rebuilding the Bot and testing with Number and it continues on to the next Slot. Changing the Slot Type back to AMAZON.AlphaNumeric and rebuilding. Error still occurs.
Edit: I realized now that when the first slot type is AMAZON.AlphaNumeric, it only accepts Numbers, but the second slot being of type AMAZON.AlphaNumeric it takes values of string and string with numbers.