I'm trying to convert a program written in C using legacy OpenGL Fixed Pipeline commands.
I'm stuck trying to pass some data into a Vertex Shader. I'm trying to use the latest 4.5 commands and I have managed to pass in my array of vertex coordinates "vertices[]" to the Vertex Shader using
glCreateVertexArrays(1, &vertex_array_object);
glCreateBuffers(1, &vertex_buffer);
glNamedBufferStorage(vertex_buffer, sizeof(verticies), verticies, GL_DYNAMIC_STORAGE_BIT);
glVertexArrayVertexBuffer(vertex_array_object, 0, vertex_buffer, 0, sizeof(float)*3);
glVertexArrayAttribFormat(vertex_array_object,0, 3, GL_FLOAT, GL_FALSE, 0);
This all works fine and I can render the vertices as points.
As well as passing the vertices I also need to pass an additional block of 4 values for each vertex which I then want to pass from the Vertex Shader to a Geometry Shader. The values I need to pass are in an array of structures (1 per vertex) where the structure is defined as
typedef struct { /* Vertex vector data structure */
unsigned char v; /* Scaled magnitude value " */
char x; /* X Component of direction cosine */
char y; /* Y " " " " */
char z; /* Z " " " " */
} NVD;
I can't easily change this structure as it's used in lots of other places in the code.
Inside the vertex shader I need the 4 values as integers in the ranges
v (0->255)
x,y,z (-127 > 127)