
I have followed the tutorial on how to create an AWS Rekognition custom labels project.

  • In the console, I am unable to see, as mentionned, the points 2, 3 and 4:

    1. In the left pane, choose Use Custom Labels. The Amazon Rekognition Custom Labels landing page is shown.
    2. Choose Get started.
    3. Choose Create Project.
      Rekognition page Screenshot
  • In the cli, I am able to make a call to the API and have a prediction on an image in my bucket.

    • But if I try aws rekognition create-project --project-name my-project, I get an error An error occurred (AccessDeniedException) when calling the CreateProject operation.
    • I have tried with both root user and a newly created user with permissions AmazonRekognitionFullAccess and AdministratorAccess and my credentials are set as well.
    • I used aws configure and correctly passed my access key, secret key and region. I checked it in ~/.aws/credentials and ~/.aws/config.

Don't know what I am missing here, any help would be appreciate.


1 Answers


From the error message posted, even though you mention that the IAM user has the required permissions, it still points towards insufficient permissions or maybe incorrect region. To debug try the following:

  • Execute the get-caller-identity CLI command to check whether the credentials used are for the IAM user with the AmazonRekognitionFullAccess policy attached.

  • Verify that you are invoking the command in a region where Rekognition Custom Labels is available.

    Amazon Rekognition Custom Labels is available in US East (N. Virginia), US East (Ohio), US West (Oregon), and Europe (Ireland).