I am trying to add IP restrictions to my app service associated to my QnA Maker to make it available only through an application gateway. Now, the service works through the gateway but the qna maker portal doesn't work anymore. I get the following error message when loading my knowledge base:
QnA Maker runtime error
Runtime unavailable. Please check that the App Service resource in your QnA Maker service is up and running.
According to Can qnamaker.ai load a url not open for the public?, the following IP ranges must be added to the app service whitelist:
- West US:
- East US:
Unfortunately, adding these IPs doesn't solve the issue and the QnA resource is still unavailable.
After multiple refresh of the page, the KB is sometime displayed. I think there are some others IP ranges that need to be added to work all the time.
Does anybody knows what is the complete list of IPs to add to fix the QnA maker portal ?