I have a Terraform module, which we'll call parent and a child module used inside of it that we'll refer to as child. The goal is to have the child module run the provisioner before the kubernetes_deployment resource is created. Basically, the child module builds and pushes a Docker image. If the image is not already present, the kubernetes_deployment will wait and eventually timeout because there's no image for the Deployment to use for creation of pods. I've tried everything I've been able to find online, output variables in the child module, using depends_on in the kubernetes_deployment resource, etc and have hit a wall. I would greatly appreciate any help!
module "child" {
source = ".\\child-module-path"
resource "kubernetes_deployment" "kub_deployment" {
data "external" "hash_folder" {
program = ["powershell.exe", "${path.module}\\bin\\hash_folder.ps1"]
resource "null_resource" "build" {
triggers = {
md5 = data.external.hash_folder.result.md5
provisioner "local-exec" {
command = "${path.module}\\bin\\build.ps1 ${var.argument_example}"
interpreter = ["powershell.exe"]
Example Terraform error output:
module.parent.kubernetes_deployment.kub_deployment: Still creating... [10m0s elapsed]
Error output:
Error: Waiting for rollout to finish: 0 of 1 updated replicas are available...