
I am using Long serializer for the keys and String serializer for value , after posting the message to the kafka topic when we retrieved the message and along with key are seeing key as some garbage value like below


is there anything wrong with kafka producer configuration ?

Update :

Below producer configuration

                    configProps.put(ProducerConfig.VALUE_SERIALIZER_CLASS_CONFIG, StringSerializer.class.getName());
configProps.put(ProducerConfig.KEY_SERIALIZER_CLASS_CONFIG, LongSerializer.class.getName());
            configProps.put(CommonClientConfigs.REQUEST_TIMEOUT_MS_CONFIG, requestTimeoutInMillis);
            configProps.put(ProducerConfig.COMPRESSION_TYPE_CONFIG, abcompressionType);

    public ProducerFactory<Long, String> longProducerFactory() {
        return new DefaultKafkaProducerFactory<>(longProducerConfigs());

    public KafkaTemplate<Long, String> longKeyKafkaTemplate() {
        return new KafkaTemplate<>(longProducerFactory());

and below send call

longKeyKafkaTemplate.send(topicName, key, message);
Can you show the code of your producer and your consumer? Otherwise it will be tough to guess what configurations you usedmike
@mike , updated the question , can you check now pleaseBravo
What about the consumer? Which consumer are you using where you see that value? And are you using a LongDeserializer there?Gary Russell
@GaryRussell , when i see the key values in Kafka Tool , kafkatool.com , i found those garbage values , but when i see String type keys those are appearing fine .Bravo
@Bravo, were you able to resolve this issue ?, if yes then please post the solution.anks

1 Answers


when i see the key values in Kafka Tool , kafkatool.com , i found those garbage values ,

It's not "garbage" it's a Long value displayed as a String without proper deserialization.

I am not familiar with that tool or whether you can specify a deserializer for the key with it, but with the command line tool kafka-console-consumer.sh you can specify the deserializers to use.

$ kafka-console-consumer 
This tool helps to read data from Kafka topics and outputs it to standard output.
Option                                   Description                            
------                                   -----------                            
--bootstrap-server <String: server to    REQUIRED: The server(s) to connect to. 
  connect to>                                                                   
--consumer-property <String:             A mechanism to pass user-defined       
  consumer_prop>                           properties in the form key=value to  
                                           the consumer.                        
--consumer.config <String: config file>  Consumer config properties file. Note  
                                           that [consumer-property] takes       
                                           precedence over this config.         
--enable-systest-events                  Log lifecycle events of the consumer   
                                           in addition to logging consumed      
                                           messages. (This is specific for      
                                           system tests.)                       
--formatter <String: class>              The name of a class to use for         
                                           formatting kafka messages for        
                                           display. (default: kafka.tools.      
--from-beginning                         If the consumer does not already have  
                                           an established offset to consume     
                                           from, start with the earliest        
                                           message present in the log rather    
                                           than the latest message.             
--group <String: consumer group id>      The consumer group id of the consumer. 
--help                                   Print usage information.               
--isolation-level <String>               Set to read_committed in order to      
                                           filter out transactional messages    
                                           which are not committed. Set to      
                                           read_uncommitted to read all         
                                           messages. (default: read_uncommitted)
--key-deserializer <String:                                                     
  deserializer for key>                                                         
--max-messages <Integer: num_messages>   The maximum number of messages to      
                                           consume before exiting. If not set,  
                                           consumption is continual.            
--offset <String: consume offset>        The offset id to consume from (a non-  
                                           negative number), or 'earliest'      
                                           which means from beginning, or       
                                           'latest' which means from end        
                                           (default: latest)                    
--partition <Integer: partition>         The partition to consume from.         
                                           Consumption starts from the end of   
                                           the partition unless '--offset' is   
--property <String: prop>                The properties to initialize the       
                                           message formatter. Default           
                                           properties include:                  
                                         Users can also pass in customized      
                                           properties for their formatter; more 
                                           specifically, users can pass in      
                                           properties keyed with 'key.          
                                           deserializer.' and 'value.           
                                           deserializer.' prefixes to configure 
                                           their deserializers.                 
--skip-message-on-error                  If there is an error when processing a 
                                           message, skip it instead of halt.    
--timeout-ms <Integer: timeout_ms>       If specified, exit if no message is    
                                           available for consumption for the    
                                           specified interval.                  
--topic <String: topic>                  The topic id to consume on.            
--value-deserializer <String:                                                   
  deserializer for values>                                                      
--version                                Display Kafka version.                 
--whitelist <String: whitelist>          Regular expression specifying          
                                           whitelist of topics to include for   