
Currently using Apache POI 3.16 on Java version 1.7.0-251 (Unix)

Taking a leaf out of the example explained by @Aniruddh Chandegra (How to create and edit a password protect excel sheet using Apache POI 3.14?)

[EDIT - Added the below code to show what I'm doing: creates XSSFWorkbook and extracts data, then encrypts]

Note: I'm running the code on - server-side Javascript - using Mozilla Rhino v1.7R3 which provides support for nearly all of ECMAScript Edition 5 plus a few features from Mozilla Javascript 1.8.

var wb = new XSSFWorkbook();
var createHelper = wb.getCreationHelper();

// Begin filling in rows/cells

var filepath = [hidden]
var fileOut = new java.io.FileOutputStream(filepath);

var fs = new POIFSFileSystem();

var info = new EncryptionInfo(EncryptionMode.agile, CipherAlgorithm.aes192, HashAlgorithm.sha384, -1, -1, null);
var enc = info.getEncryptor();

var os = enc.getDataStream(fs);
opc.saveImpl(os);  //<<-----Crash there - unable to save /x1/styles.xml

var fos = new java.io.FileOutputStream(filepath);

I eventually managed to save password protected xlsx but I had to remove the styling of Date columns.

Below is the code to format cells into Date celltype:

function createDateCell(row, colNum, value)
    var cell;
    if (value)
        cell = row.createCell(colNum);
        var cellStyle = wb.createCellStyle();
        cell = row.createCell(colNum, Cell.CELL_TYPE_BLANK);
    return cell;

Yet when running the program, I keep getting this error, is there a workaround to keep the Date column type? The error message:

Fail to save: an error occurs while saving the package : 
The part /xl/styles.xml failed to be saved in the stream with marshaller
Why are you using such an old version of Apache POI? What happens when you upgrade to the latest stable supported version?Gagravarr
@Gagravarr - fair question - that's the reason why I mentioned the Java version 1.7.0-251, the system I'm adopting Apache POI is fixed to that java version. The infrastructure doesn't allow me to upgrade the Java to match the latest version Apache POI is offering.Joshua
I'd try it on another box with the latest Java and Apache POI. Try that. That'll tell you if it is an Apache POI issue that's still present, or a known-fix you'll need to backport or workaroundGagravarr
Your createDateCell creates a new CellStyle for each cell. This is wrong. CellStyles are on workbook level and are stored in /xl/styles.xml. If your createDateCell creates thousand date cells, then it also creates thousand times the same CellStyle. Thus the /xl/styles.xml contains thousand times the same XML for that CellStyle. Don't do that.Axel Richter
Instead do var cellStyle = wb.createCellStyle(); cellStyle.setDataFormat(createHelper.createDataFormat().getFormat("dd/mm/yyyy")); only once on workbook level. Then hand over that one CellStyle to the cells creator function, like function createDateCell(row, colNum, value, cellStyle).Axel Richter

1 Answers


To create date style cells, you need to do this:

var wb = new XSSFWorkbook();
var createHelper = wb.getCreationHelper();
var dateStyle = wb.createCellStyle();

You only need to do it once. By setting the cellStyle at the top, you've populated /xl/styles.xml only once.

When populating the cells, you simply add the dateStyle to the function:

createDateCell(row, colNum++, tables.SHE_SOUTH.DOB.value, dateStyle);

The function createDateCell simply add the cellStyle:

function createDateCell(row,colNum,value, cellStyle){
    var cell;
        cell = row.createCell(colNum, Cell.CELL_TYPE_NUMERIC);
        cell = row.createCell(colNum, Cell.CELL_TYPE_BLANK);
    return cell;

That way the /xl/styles.xml doesn't get bloated as before. Which allows the encryption of the workbook. Works a treat, with credit to Axel Richter