I'm testing WSO2 5.10 user creation via SCIM Rest API using the following curl command
curl -v -k --user admin:admin --data "{"schemas":[],"name":{"familyName":"Smith","givenName":"John"},"userName":"john","password":"password","emails":[{"primary":true,"value":"[email protected]","type":"home"},{"value":"[email protected]","type":"work"},{"value":"[email protected]"}],"EnterpriseUser":{askPassword:"true"}}" --header "Content-Type:application/json" https://localhost:9443/scim2/Users
It creates a user as expected but doesn't send an email to set up a password. However, when an admin tries to create a user through the management console for the same scenario, the user receives an email to set up a password. But not through this API request.
What am I doing wrong?