
I have a shop-store project. This project starts with basic functionality and grow up on each software life-cycle. Recently tendency to deploy some customization for user and analytics grow. I wanted to add favorite capability to project. The project has guest mode which unauthenticated user can see products.

Each user may choose to add a product to his/her favorites(after Auth). so far so good. I decide to append favorite attribute to products. Trouble comes when i try to return products from controller as response. If i use Auth middleware unauthenticated users redirected to login. If i use custom code, every API with product should be changed accordingly. If i try to append filed in product model, i don't have access to Auth class nor requestin product model. What's the way to handle such a situation? I appreciate your help.

UPDATE: There are many models in my project. Order, OrderProduct, Product, User, Payment, Category, Delivery, .... I want to have a new table named Bookmark which has two column: user_id and product_id.

Product == One Many == Bookmark

User == One Many == Bookmark

Please provide where you have been stuck exactly. Sometimes the problem description is not properly brief your current problem.Hashemi Rafsan
I want to append favorites for every product. User must've be authenticated for this purpose. Also guest(Unauthenticated) users have same api/controller. I can't rewrite all controllers which returns products in order to differentiate between authenticated and unauthenticated usersMehran Zamani
How many models do you have and what is the relationship between them?David Enoma
It'd be helpful if you post some codeDavid Enoma
@DavidEnoma return Product::find($id)->first(); it returns a row of products table. If user is authenticated it should append bookmark attribute.Mehran Zamani

1 Answers


You can use the blade @auth directive to check for user authentication.

Then for templating

{{auth()-> user -> bookmark -> all()}}

This should work if you have established a one to may relationship between user and bookmark in your model.