The use case is:
User wants the Dynamo DB table to be created in their AWS account using my service. This is optional depends on the user we also have to make the dynamo db table in our AWS account as well.
Now the user will be putting data and all the operation using my service in the Dynamo DB table created in his/her AWS account.
What I have tried:
User can create a IAM role and we can switch the role and then access the dynamo DB service and do all the operations, but while doing in a EC2 can we assume multiple roles at a time? as will be having multiple users. Is this feasible for multiple users, if yes how?
In this case user needs to make a role and then we need to assume it, in order to reduce of user is it possible that we make a IAM User in our AWS account and then "user" will just needs to whitelist our IAM user and then we are good to go, may be we can use access key and secret key for this.
Is it feasible to achieve what we are aiming for, what are possible solutions?