We have used IoT agent -1.14.0 version from docker hub. We have given the service and servicepath as follows fiware-service:testiotagent fiware-servicepath:/
Device registration payload :
"devices": [
"transport": "MQTT",
"attributes": [
{"object_id": "s", "name": "state", "type":"Text"},
{"object_id": "l", "name": "luminosity", "type":"Integer",
"metadata":{ "unitCode":{"type": "Text", "value" :"CAL"}
As per iotagent node lib version 2.12.0 ,IoT agent json -1.14.0 version should support the metadata in device provisioned attributes. But still facing issue. When we try to provision the above device we are getting the below error:
"name": "WRONG_SYNTAX",
"message": "Wrong syntax in request: Errors found validating request."
I found that iotagent-node-lib have the schema to validate against device registration payload
In this json schema there is no metadata schema mentioned in attributes.
I have followed the below steps for metadata in Entity level:
I have removed the metadata in IoT agent Updated the entity 'urn:ngsi-ld:SENSOR:Motion-10' as below
"metadata":{ "unitCode":{"type": "Text", "value" :"CAL"}
Tried to send measurement and metadata got overriden and got the empty metadata
Is it due to the fix given for issue 1788 in fiware-orion ,https://github.com/telefonicaid/fiware-orion/issues?q=1788. Need some qucik confirmation and help from Fiware experts to overcome this issue, it is very much appreciated.