I have a list which is filled with addressprefixes like
$listOfSubnetsToBeCreated = @()
Write-Host "##vso[task.setvariable variable=availableSubnetList]$listOfSubnetsToBeCreated"
created in a powershell and transferred to azure devops pipeline variable that i have already defined in Azure Devops.
I am using this variable which is set on the run with
terraform apply -var="availableSubnetList=$(availableSubnetList)"
in my Terraform task to create a subnet. Here below is the tf script:
variable "availableSubnetList" {
type = list(string)
default = [""]
resource "azurerm_subnet" "Subnet-lab" {
count = var.project_subnet_number
name = join("-", ["${var.LabRGName}","subnet", "${count.index + 1}"])
resource_group_name = var.AdminRGName
virtual_network_name = var.lab_vnet
address_prefix = var.availableSubnetList[count.index]
When i executed the pipeline, i am having the following error on terraform apply task:
2020-05-25T14:39:52.5509261Z [0m on <value for var.availableSubnetList> line 1:
2020-05-25T14:39:52.5510090Z (source code not available)
2020-05-25T14:39:52.5510814Z This character is not used within the language.
2020-05-25T14:39:52.5511149Z [0m[0m
2020-05-25T14:39:52.5511412Z [31m
2020-05-25T14:39:52.5512135Z [1m[31mError: [0m[0m[1mInvalid expression[0m
2020-05-25T14:39:52.5512833Z [0m on <value for var.availableSubnetList> line 1:
2020-05-25T14:39:52.5513301Z (source code not available)
2020-05-25T14:39:52.5513977Z Expected the start of an expression, but found an invalid expression token.
2020-05-25T14:39:52.5514566Z [0m[0m
Afaik, the variables in Azure Devops are strings. Do you have any idea on how to transfer a powershell list correctly to terraform by using Azure Devops?