I would like to plot the likelihood function of a size 1000 weibull sample with a sequence of shape parameter theta. I have used standardised weibull so the scale lambda is 1. However the output is a horizontal straight line.
lik <- function(theta, x){
K<- length(theta)
n<- length(x)
out<- rep(0,K)
for(k in 1:K){
out[k] <- prod(dweibull(x, shape= theta[k], scale=1))
theta<-seq(0.01, 10, by = 0.01)
x <- rweibull(n, shape= 0.5, scale= 1)
plot(theta, lik(theta, x), type="l", lwd=2)
sum(dweibull(x, shape= theta[k], scale=1, log=TRUE))
and keep theta in a more plausible rangeseq(0.01, 1, by = 0.01)
– user20650