
I would like to plot the likelihood function of a size 1000 weibull sample with a sequence of shape parameter theta. I have used standardised weibull so the scale lambda is 1. However the output is a horizontal straight line.

lik <- function(theta, x){
  K<- length(theta)
  n<- length(x)
  out<- rep(0,K)
  for(k in 1:K){
    out[k] <- prod(dweibull(x, shape= theta[k], scale=1))   
theta<-seq(0.01, 10, by = 0.01)
x <- rweibull(n, shape= 0.5, scale= 1)
plot(theta, lik(theta, x), type="l", lwd=2)
Try plotting the log0likelihood; sum(dweibull(x, shape= theta[k], scale=1, log=TRUE)) and keep theta in a more plausible range seq(0.01, 1, by = 0.01)user20650
@user20650, please post as an answer?Ben Bolker

1 Answers


There is nothing really wrong about what you have done but computers struggle to calculate the product of many small numbers and so can end up as zero (even 0.99^1000 = 4^-5). And so it is easier to log transform and then sum. (As the log transform is a monotonic increasing function maximising the log-likelihood is the same as maximising the likelihood).Thus change

prod(dweibull(x, shape= theta[k], scale=1)) 


sum(dweibull(x, shape= theta[k], scale=1, log=TRUE))  

The other minor change is to plot the likelihood witihin a reasonable range of theta so that you can see the curve.

Working code:

lik <- function(theta, x){
  K <- length(theta)
  n <- length(x)
  out <- rep(0,K)
  for(k in 1:K){
    out[k] <- sum(dweibull(x, shape= theta[k], scale=1, log=TRUE))   

popTheta = 0.5
theta = seq(0.01, 1.5, by = 0.01)
x = rweibull(n, shape=popTheta, scale= 1)
plot(theta, lik(theta, x), type="l", lwd=2)

theta[which.max( lik(theta, x))]