Or more specifically:
Given I am signed in as the 'admin' user, and I want to to impersonate a user 'testSiteUser'
Given the 'testSiteUser' node (rep:User) does not have a protected String[] property called rep:impersonators
set with a value containing admin
How do to update the protected property rep:impersonators
such that it contains admin?
Once the user node has this set, I'm confident that setting a cookie sling.sudo
should allow user impersonation.
What I have tried so far..
curl -F:name=testSiteUser -Fpwd=testSiteUser
-u admin:admin
Which responds with 500
javax.jcr.nodetype.ConstraintViolationException: Attempt to set an protected property rep:impersonators
According to the JCR Spec
16.3.12 Interaction with Protected Properties Many features of JCR expose repository metadata as protected properties defined by mixin node types. For example, locking status is exposed by the properties jcr:lockOwner and jcr:lockIsDeep defined by mix:lockable. Changes to protected properties can only be made indirectly through a feature-specific API (for example, Node.lock), not through a generic write method like Node.setProperty. Such changes are not governed by the jcr:modifyProperties privilege, but rather by the particular feature-specific privilege, for example, jcr:lockManagement (see ยง16.2.3 Standard Privileges).
Perhaps the only way is to write my own Java code as shown below, but I'm pretty sure there should be a REST API to do this...
Authorizable authorizable = userManager.getAuthorizable(user.getId());
Principal admin = userManager.getAuthorizable("admin").getPrincipal();
jackrabbitUser = (User) authorizable;
Impersonation impersonation =jackrabbitUser.getImpersonation();
Basically rep:impersonators is a read only property that is managed "indirectly through a feature-specific API" What is the API and procedure to do user impersonations using Apache Sling or Jackrabbit Oak?