
I created an API in Azure API Management and I realized that APIM actually hides some of the bodies I return in responses. I get 200, but I don't get 404, 401, or 500.

I understand that it's better to control what is returned and that we don't want to give the end-user HTML with 500 error body.

But, I use 404 or 401 in my API and I returned some information in the response body. Is there a possibility to control what is being returned for certain status codes?

APIM itself does not touch response body returned by backend unless there are policies instructing it to do so. You could check effective policy for a given operation and product to see if there is something that removes the body.Vitaliy Kurokhtin

1 Answers


Use the set-body policy to set the message body for incoming and outgoing requests. To access the message body you can use the context.Request.Body property or the context.Response.Body, depending on whether the policy is in the inbound or outbound section.

You can custom response body with below code:

<when condition="@(context.Response.StatusCode == 404)">
        <set-status code="404" reason="NotFound">
            <set-header name="Content-Type">
                var response = context.Response.Body.As<JObject>();
                foreach (var key in new [] {"HTTP Error 404. The requested resource is not found."}) {
                response.Property (key).Remove ();
            return response.ToString();