
We have a user for whom our pinned addin stops receiving ItemChanged event after a while (Outlook desktop only). We can always reproduce this situation in Outlook and there are no errors in the JavaScript log.

What could be happening? Outlook stops firing events? Office.js loosing our event handler? How can we debug this? We can attach to the process using the Edge Dev tool.

Your help would be greatly appreciated.

I'd suggest posting this to github.com/officedev/office-js/issues .Eugene Astafiev
@Alexey, does your add-in contain a <Select> dropdown? We have an issue here : github.com/OfficeDev/office-js/issues/1100. Could this be related?Outlook Add-ins Team - MSFT
This could be it. The event stops arriving always after filling out a form with a bunch of selectors. But this happens for a few users only. What is different about their setup?Alexey
On the other hand for this user this issue happens only in Outlook (desktop), not when run in IE/Edge/Chrome. Any idea what exactly is breaking? Event handlers get reset?Alexey
Yes, the event handlers are getting reset. We have observed this issue only in Desktop Outlook clients that use Edge as the underlying browser to launch web add-ins. If the underlying browser being used by Desktop Outlook is IE, this issue does not occur.Outlook Add-ins Team - MSFT

1 Answers


Thanks for reporting this issue regarding the ItemChanged Event. This is a known issue, and any updates on the fix will be posted in the GitHub issue that is tracking this issue here.