I am new to React, and even newer to Redux. All I want to do is output the contents of the array to the webpage. I want to maintain the Redux structure (unidirectional data flow, reducers). When I click the Generate a New Array button, an array gets generated by the reducer and saved as state. In my attempts to output the array using map
, I see errors telling me that myarray.map is not a function
. I am a bit confused considering I am pulling the array from state, and it should be populated.
Initial State
const initialState = {
array: [],
algo: null,
size: 30,
const arrayReducer = (state,action) => {
if (action.type === GENERATE_NEW_ARRAY){
let arr = [];
let size = state.size;
let limit = size*3;
for(let i=0;i<size;++i){
let num = Math.floor((Math.Random() * limit) + 1);
return { array: arr };
return state || { array: [] };
const rootReducer = combineReducers({
array: arrayReducer,
algo: algoReducer,
size: sizeReducer,
const getSize = state => state.size;
React Components
function GenerateNewArray({ value, generateNewArray }){
<button onClick={() => generateNewArray(value)}>
Generate a New Array
const GenerateNewArrayConnected = connect(
state => ({
size: getSize(state)
dispatch => ({
generateNewArray: size => dispatch(generateNewArray(size))
I would like the array to appear below the Generate a New Array button, but I would like it as a separate entity (if possible) because they ultimately will be two separate components. What is the best way to approach displaying the array?
please? – Zeke Hernandez