
I need to introduce role-based authorization in existing Flask application. Because of that I can't just swap currently used flask-login package with flask-user for example. Nevertheless I have to restrict access to some endpoints to "admin" users without rebuilding entire code base.

I came up with a decorator like this:

def admin_required(func):
    Modified login_required decorator to restrict access to admin group.

    def decorated_view(*args, **kwargs):
        if current_user.group != 0:        # zero means admin, one and up are other groups
            flash("You don't have permission to access this resource.", "warning")
            return redirect(url_for("main.home"))
        return func(*args, **kwargs)
    return decorated_view

I use it with original login_required decorator like so:

def admin_resource():
    return "Hello admin"

Everything works as expected BUT I have two concerns:

  1. Is my method safe? Have I missed something which is potential security flaw? Unfortunately I have limited knowledge about Flask internals.
  2. Is there more simple/safe/pythonic way to do that? It just doesn't feel right to me.

1 Answers


The more common method of dealing with role based permissions is to use Flask Principal.

In the main app:

from flask_principal import Principal

# load the extension
principals = Principal(app)

def on_identity_loaded(sender, identity):
    # Set the identity user object
    identity.user = current_user
    # Add the UserNeed to the identity
    if hasattr(current_user, 'employee_id'):

    # Assuming the User model has a list of roles, update the
    # identity with the roles that the user provides
    if hasattr(current_user, 'position'):
        # for role in current_user.role:

   admin_permission = Permission(RoleNeed('admin'))

And then in the route:

def admin_resource():
    return "Hello admin"

Docs: https://pythonhosted.org/Flask-Principal/