
I have created a Google Cloud Function using Python 3.7. Testing the function itself, it behaves as expected. I have set the trigger of the function to be a topic called "Scheduled".

enter image description here

The code itself runs a series of API calls, when tested manually from the UI works exactly as expected. Output when running a manual test. The original source code requires no arguments for the main function inside the script, however I realized the Cloud Function passes 2 to it anyway, so I have added them with no actual use:

def main(event, data):
    print(datetime.now().strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"))
    getNotifs = getNotifications()
    if getNotifs["hasData"] == True:
        print("Found notifications, posting to Telegram.")
        notifsParsed = parseNotifications(getNotifs["data"])
        telegramCall = telegramPost(
            {"text": str(notifsParsed), "chat_id": ChatId, "parse_mode": "HTML"})
    elif getNotifs["hasData"] == False:

Now, I have created a new Cloud Scheduler job where the target is "pub/sub" and the topic is also "Scheduled". Nowhere could I find a use for the required 'payload' field, and the Scheduler guide by Google only fills in a random value, 'hello' without quotes or something like it, so I filled in 'hi'.

enter image description here

Running the job I am repeatedly met with a failure, and this log: status: "INVALID_ARGUMENT"
targetType: "PUB_SUB".

I have tried changing the payload to "hi" (with quotes), editing the main PY function to accept one more argument, both seem entirely unrelated. What am I missing?

I'm unclear what is not working the way you expect. Please edit the question to add a screenshot of anything you are doing in the console, as well as adding the code of your function. We need to be able to see what you're doing.Doug Stevenson
Edited to include more information and imagesKarmadon
Remove the quotes from your payload "hi" -> hiChris32
Removed quotes, to not effect.Karmadon
Do all the services are in the same project? Can you share a screenshot of the error?guillaume blaquiere

1 Answers


Only issue was a mistype of the topic defined in the scheduler job, it's free text and not a selection of existing topics or anything.