This is my CSV file:
One Smell,450,66.96%,OO smells
One Smell,237,36.18%,Both
One Smell,255,49.71%,Android-specific smells
Two Smells,160,16.22%,OO smells
Two Smells,143,21.83%,Both
Two Smells,109,31.19%,Android-specific smells
Three Smells,109,16.64%,Both
Three Smells,61,7.29%,OO smells
Three Smells,49,11.89%,Android-specific smells
Four Smells,66,10.08%,Both
Four Smells,33,6.24%,Android-specific smells
Four Smells,32,4.91%,OO smells
Five Smells,35,5.34%,Both
Five Smells,24,3.57%,OO smells
Five Smells,4,0.78%,Android-specific smells
Six Smells,22,3.36%,Both
Six Smells,7,1.04%,OO smells
Six Smells,1,0.19%,Android-specific smells
Seven smells,17,2.60%,Both
Eight smells,14,2.14%,Both
Nine Smells,9,1.37%,Both
Ten smells,2,0.31%,Both
Eleven smells,1,0.15%,Both
I'm grouping according to Type (Android-specific smell, OO smell, Both) and here is the result:
This is the code:
# Plot
g <- ggplot(Co.oooa, aes(x=reorder(Number, inst), y=inst, fill=Type))+
theme(axis.text.x = element_text(angle=0, vjust=0.67, size = 10), axis.text.y = element_text(angle=0, vjust=0.6, size=10))
g + geom_bar(stat="identity", width = 0.57, position ="dodge" )+
geom_text(aes(label=pour, group=Type), position=position_dodge(width=0.67), hjust=0.0001, size=2.5 )+
scale_fill_manual(values=c( "gray", "royalblue1", "red"))+
I need to re-order bars according to their length. for example for one smell the first bar should be OO smells
then Android-specific smells
and finally Both