
When trying to open Spartacus in smartedit, I am getting the below error:- Uncaught Error: Allowed whitelist characters are a-z, A-Z, 0-9, -, period, or * The wildcard * can be used to represent a prefixed domain, Good example: .domain.com:80 but not a suffix or port, Bad examples: subdomain..com subdomain.domain.com:*. Every whitelisting must contain a specific port.

at webApplicationInjector.js:15
at Array.map (<anonymous>)
at Function.t.convertWhitelistingToRegexp (webApplicationInjector.js:15)
at Object.<anonymous> (webApplicationInjector.js:4)
at n (webApplicationInjector.js:4)
at webApplicationInjector.js:4
at webApplicationInjector.js:4

1 Answers


Check the value of data-smartedit-allow-origin. It needs to have a port. localhost:80 will work; localhost will not work. Adjust the port accordingly. If it's running on HTTPS, then it needs to be 443 or some other custom value.

You may also need to adjust the domain. e.g. stackoverflow.com:443