I´m an Owner of a German Discord Server & Minecraft Server, programming my own Discord bot to solve the problem of typing the same Thing or whatever hundreds of times (News, Givaways, etc.) and need help with the following Problem:
I want to make a command (usually p/[command] with this bot) to send a Givaway News in a specific channel. I thought "No Problem" but I´m stuck at the slicing thing on Discord.js. I want the command to work like i just have to write the Attributes in a row.
p/giveaway [Date of Ending] [Time of Ending] [number of Winners] [Price to Win] [optional conditions to participate] [optional Text as desciption]
Example Input:
p/giveaway 01.01.2020 00:00 20 something nothing some text
Example output should be:
Runtime till 01.01.2020 at 00:00 o clock
Noumber of winners: 20
What you can win: something
Conditions: nothing
some text
The Layout is no problem, but i don´t know how to split the messages so the message doesn´t gets messed up. I want the bot to follow a strict template.
If anything is unclear, please feel free to ask.
This is the code i got so far. It works, exept that the output is scuffed because i dont know how to slice the back part of a messaage so it just caches a specific part of the Message.
The code i got so far:
bot.on("message", function(message) {
// command
// vars, etc
let destination = bot.channels.cache.get("[Discord-channel ID here]")
var timetorun = message.content.split(" ").slice(1).join(" ");
var TIMEtorun = message.content.split(" ").slice(2).join(" ");
var winner = message.content.split(" ").slice(3).join(" ");
var price = message.content.split(" ").slice(4).join(" ");
var conditions = message.content.split(" ").slice(5).join(" ");
var text = message.content.split(" ").slice(6).join(" ");
// Embed
const GiveawayEmbed = new Discod.MessageEmbed()
.setAuthor("Server Giveaway", "https://i.imgur.com/MMiVcKH.png")
.addFields({ name:"->", value: ("Runtime till " + (timetorun) + " at " + (TIMEtorun) + " o clock" + "\nNoumber of winners: " + (winner) + "\nWhat you can win: " + (price) + "\nConditions: " + (conditions) + "\n" + (text))
.setFooter("The general rules of ... apply - ... .net")
// Code
if(!timetorun || !TIMEtorun || !winner || !price) {
message.channel.send("\nuse the folling format to use this command: [Date of Ending] [Time of Ending] [number of Winners] [Price to Win] [optional conditions to participate] [optional Text as desciption]");
// permissions
message.channel.send("``` \nYou are not allowed to do that! \n ```");
// finaly send
This is how the Bot actually replyes
Thank you for your help!