Is there any known issue with kakfa-broker in managing the offsets? Bcz, problem which we are facing is when we try to restart of kafka-consumer(i.e, app restart) sometimes all the offset are reset to 0. Completely clueless on why are consumers not able to start from the last commited offset.
We are eventually facing this issue in prod wherein the whole q events are replayed again :
- spring-boot version -- 2.2.6 release
- spring-kafka - 2.3.7 release
- kafka-client -2.3.1
- apache-kafka - kafka_2.12-2.3.1
We have 10 topics with 50 partitions for each topic which belongs to same group, we increase topic-partition and consumer count at run-time based on load.
- auto-commit = false
- sync commit each offset after processing
- max-poll-records is set to 1
After all this config it runs as expected in local setup, after deployed to prod we see such issues nut not at every restart. Is there any config that i'm missing. Completely Clueless!!!!!