
Suppose I have 2 3D matrices A and B

A.shape = [ 2, 50, 60] B.shape = [ 3, 50, 60]

conceptually, I see the matrices like column vectors

A = [ a0, a1 ] where a0, a1 are matrices of shape [50,60]

[ a0
  a1 ]  

B = [ b0, b1 , b2] where b0, b1 , b2 are matrices of shape [50,60]

[ b0
  b2 ]  

How can I create the resulting matrix of shape [ 6, 50 , 60 ] conceptually as below

A op B =

[ a0 * b0 , 
  a0 * b1 ,
  a0 * b2 ,
  a1 * b0 ,
  a1 * b1 ,
  a1 * b2 ]

where a0 * b0 is elementwise product

Is there a name for this operation? How can I efficiently compute this in numpy sequence of function or einsum for any size of A [ na, nx, ny] and B [ nb, nx, ny ] ?


2 Answers


I think I found how to do it by einsum and it is much faster.

Let's generalize the input A and B by below

na = 2
nb = 3
nx = 50
ny = 60
A = np.random.random((na,nx,ny)) 
B = np.random.random((nb,nx,ny))

By Einstein notation, the operation could be written as this einsum function:

def f_einstein(A,B):
    a = A[:,np.newaxis, :,:]
    b = B[np.newaxis,:, :,:]
    einstein = np.einsum( 'ikxy,kjxy->ijxy' , a , b )
    return einstein.reshape( na*nb,nx,ny)

Thanks for @Bobby Ocean, the iterative method is :

import itertools as it
def f_iter(A,B):
    return np.stack([a*b for a,b in it.product(A,B)])

To verify, the below return True

result_eintein = f_einstein(A,B)
result_iter = f_iter(A,B)

The performance of einsum vs iter can be 1.5 - 6 times faster

when na = 2, nb = 3. It's 1.5 time faster

%timeit result_eintein = f_einstein(A,B)
The slowest run took 6.33 times longer than the fastest. This could mean that an intermediate result is being cached.
10000 loops, best of 3: 34.3 µs per loop

%timeit result_iter = f_iter(A,B)
The slowest run took 11.74 times longer than the fastest. This could mean that an intermediate result is being cached.
10000 loops, best of 3: 51.3 µs per loop

when na = 200, nb = 300. It's 6 time faster

%timeit result_eintein = f_einstein(A,B)
1 loop, best of 3: 1.2 s per loop

%timeit result_iter = f_iter(A,B)
1 loop, best of 3: 7.41 s per loop

My comments on it to help people understanding:

The operation I am doing is actually something like Batch-Outer-Hadamard-Product. It is batched by the outer product of the first dimension of A and B, followed by Hadamard product which is an elementwise product of the [50,60] matrices.

Because it involves a outer product like operation, the axis of the original A and B has to be in different dimension. That's why after introduce new axis for the outer product to work:

a = A[:,np.newaxis, :,:]
b = B[np.newaxis,:, :,:]

The new shape is now [2,1,50,60] and [1,3,50,60]. Matrices a and b can do an outer product by einsum easily on the first 2 dimensions. In (partial) einstein notation it is just 'ik,kj->ij'.

For the last hadamard product, the (partial) einstein notation is simply 'xy,xy->xy'.

Combining the two, the final einstein notation is 'ikxy,kjxy->ijxy'. The only last operation needed for einsum is to reshape from [i,j] to [i*j].

Credit to Tim Rocktäschel : I read a very good page from Tim Rocktäschel https://rockt.github.io/2018/04/30/einsum . The way he colors the matrices make me very easy to understand einsum. And yes, I want to master the einsum for my deep learning projects


This is like a mixture of a cross product and a coordinate wise multiply. Not sure if there is any more efficient way to do it, than what you have.

import itertools as it

A = np.random.random((2,50,60)) 
B = np.random.random((3,50,60))
C = np.stack([a*b for a,b in it.product(A,B)])

You could duplicate the data, like:

a,b = list(zip(*it.product(range(len(A)),range(len(B))))) # a=(0,0,0,1,1,1) b=(0,1,2,0,1,2)
D   = A[list(a)] * B[list(b)]
print((C == D).all())