I'm having an issue with a new pipeline I'm setting up for a microservice on Azure DevOps where the pipeline seems to be unable to reference environment variables provided by the build environment.
I have a step in my pipeline that runs a Powershell script that prints out all the environment variables for debugging purposes and this allows me to confirm that the environment does indeed contain the variables I am trying to use.
These variables are BUILD_DEFINITIONNAME = my-microservice-repo
and BUILD_BUILDNUMBER = 20200519.2
. Essentially I want to combine these two variables to create another variable to name my docker container so I'd have a variable equal to $(BUILD_DEFINITIONNAME):$(BUILD_BUILDNUMBER)
which should expand out into my-microservice-repo:20200519.2
. We will call this variable imageName
. I have defined it in my variables section on my .yml script as
- name: imageName
However, if I try to use this variable on my Docker steps:
- task: Docker@0
dockerFile: Dockerfile
azureSubscriptionEndpoint: 'endpoint'
azureContainerRegistry: 'my container registry'
imageName: $(imageName)
action: 'Build an image'
- task: Docker@0
azureSubscriptionEndpoint: 'endpoint'
azureContainerRegistry: 'my container registry'
action: 'Push an image'
imageName: $(imageName)
Then when the script runs, I get this error: ##[error]invalid argument "myazurecontainerregistry.azurecr.io/$(build_definitionname):$(build_buildnumber)" for "-t, --tag" flag: invalid reference format
So clearly it's concatenating the strings correctly since I get $(build_definitionname):$(build_buildnumber)
, however, they're not being expanded, despite the fact that they both exist within the printed variables as I mentioned earlier.
Is there something special I need to do to allow environment variables to be used within my script? We have other pipeline scripts that are working just fine that I copied this yml script from, but mine refuses to work and I can't figure out why, nor can my colleagues.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.