
Q1. Considering I have a dataframe df and a schema myschema, how do I proceed to write the dataframe into kafka topic in an avro format ?

Q2. Is there any optimized way if we do not consider udf ?

Most of the available solutions are for spark > 2.4 where they have inbuilt avro functions to use.

I tried, from there, eventDF.select( encodeUDF(struct(eventDF.columns.map(column):_*)).alias("value") ) struct and column was showing red in color, could you please help me in defining these select querysupernatural
1) Are you using the Schema Registry? 2) They are read because you never defined/imported themOneCricketeer
This docs page is correct, if you are not using Schema Registry spark.apache.org/docs/latest/…OneCricketeer

1 Answers


Most of the available solutions are for spark > 2.4 where they have inbuilt avro functions

That inbuilt function was an external library, but was later merged in to the main Spark project. If you have < 2.4, I suggest you upgrade you ultimately upgrade your Spark cluster, or refer the docs there.