
I am working on a script that auto uploads .xls files into google drive from gmail and I am hitting a roadblock trying to convert the .xls file into a google sheet. The code block below was adapted from the following article: https://www.labnol.org/code/20500-convert-microsoft-excel-xlsx-to-google-spreadsheet

the variable filename is a predefined global variable

Code Snippet:

function advancedDrivetest() {
    var FILE = DriveApp.getFilesByName(filename).next();
    var fileID = FILE.getId();
    var FILEname = "test_convert";
    var blob = FILE.getBlob();
    var resource = {
      title: FILEname
    Drive.Files.insert(resource, blob, {convert: true});

Note: I have enabled the advanced drive API in resources > Advanced drive services and in my google cloud project.

The code block above returns the rather unhelpful error mentioned in the title.

How long have you been receiving this error? Sometimes Google is having trouble and you just need to wait. if (!GmailApp) return; checks to see if gmail is down.Stykes
This works perfectly fine in my test environment. Make sure that filename contains the .xlsx extension in its definition (for example var filename = "nameOfFile.xlsx").Rafa Guillermo
@RafaGuillermo thanks for the feedback I'll definitely try that. I'm a little confused on the syntax of how this works. Am I submitting the full name of the file to be converted or what I want the file name to be? I've seen both in my research and google's documentation is unhelpful as usual.Jakers
@Stykes unfortunately I have not gotten this to work once. None of the services involved are having downtime.Jakers
Upon further investigation there seems to be a formatting error with the files I have been trying to feed into this script. Once I tried a basic test sheet it worked with no problem. Thanks all for your time!Jakers

1 Answers


Script was working fine but files I was giving it to convert were corrupt and could not be opened/converted by Google Drive API