We are trying to remove a guest user from AD using graph api. For that we use the following as describe from the documentation :
If the user is a user with an AD domaine that works correctly but for external user with a GMAIL account for instance, the userPrincipalName is formated as below sample :
ex : serge.cal_gmail.com#EXT#@xxxx.onmicrosoft.com
When I try to get the ID of that user by fetching first its id using :
It returns an error as below :
{ "error": { "code": "Request_ResourceNotFound", "message": "Resource 'serge.cal_gmail.com' does not exist or one of its queried reference-property objects are not present.", "innerError": { "request-id": "da8bdcda-6304-4c3c-93b2-6454433dcba2", "date": "2020-05-15T14:51:46" } } }
Updated : Based on your comment as a test I have encode manually the userprincipal and test it under POSTMAN, that return the correct user details.
But the issue, is that as I do not know in advance the user ID that will be generated, I am using the userPricipal name of user to fetch the user ID. In Azure AD account, userPrincipal is most of the time the email address, this is what I use the the API call to get user info.
Now for cases of GUEST account which are not based on an external AD, the problem is that the only way I have to fetch the user is by userPrincipal of guest account and when I check my user AD profile, my GUEST userPricipal info is the email address as seen in picture below :
So by using this information to API return the error of resource not found, and this is because if I fetch the user by its ID ( which I do not know except going into the AD manually which is not the goal ) I get user principal formed as below :
So in Azure AD screen the real userPrincipal form of a GUEST user is hidden in a way.
So how can I fetch it correctly ?
1 - use the API normaly as any other by using the email 2 - Then catch the error message 3 in case of error reformat the userPrincipal using the wierd syntax ?
Or Does the API offer the possibilities to fetch Guest Account, then from the guest response list of users I then search for the email adress user I need and gets it ID ?
Thanks for advise