
In my backbone project, my model is not updated after the 'add' method that I call in a Collection. I don't understand why.

I'm sure I'm doing something badly but I cannot figure what.


On the initialize function of my view, I call bind 'add' to this.render (of the view)

initialize: function() {
            this.model.on('add', this.render, this);

In the render function of my view, this.model has no specific attributes, only {length: 1, models: Array(1), _byId: {…}, _events: {…}}

render: function() {
    console.log('in render this.model', this.model);

The function used for the submit event of #new-tweet is well called and the tweet object is well populated :

The method $('#new-tweet').submit(function(ev) {
            var tweet = new Tweet({ author: $('#author-name').val(), status: $('#status-update').val()});   
            console.log('adding : ', tweet.toJSON());

            return false;

Do you see something erroneous apart the fact of using an old framework ?


1 Answers


The problem is, the first argument of _.each has to be "list". (https://underscorejs.org/#each)

As your console.log(this.model) in TweetsView, although it is a backbone collection...

It is an Object.

    length: 1, 
    models: Array(1), 
    _byId: {…}, 
    _events: {…}

so the each cannot work normally.

I provide two ways:

  1. Use the each function of Backbone.Collection.
this.model.each(function(tweet, i) {
    console.log(tweet); // Undefined ???
    console.log((new TweetView({model: tweet})).render().$el);
    self.$el.append((new TweetView({model: tweet})).render().$el);
  1. Because the this.model.models is Array, visit it directly.
_.each(this.model.models, function(tweet, i) {
    console.log(tweet); // Undefined ???
    console.log((new TweetView({model: tweet})).render().$el);
    self.$el.append((new TweetView({model: tweet})).render().$el);