
Environment: Ubuntu 18.04, OneAPI beta 6

Full code is below, but here's the offending error:

#dpcpp -O2 -g -o so2 so2.cpp -lOpenCL -lsycl

so2.cpp:64:38: error: cannot cast from type 'global_ptr<int>' (aka 'multi_ptr<int,  access::address_space::global_space>') to pointer type 'int (*)[nelem]'
                int (*xptr)[nelem] = (int (*)[nelem])xaccessor.get_pointer();                                     
1 error generated.

A bit of explanation in case you're wondering why....

When developing data parallel code I often develop what Intel used to call "elemental functions". These are written to operate on a single element of the application (what SYCL would call a work item). I've always found this an easier do with a basic SW development environment, easy to test, and more generally reuseable (scalar, SIMD, CUDA, etc...).

After getting things tested on a single element, moving to data parallel is pretty easy by expanding the calling code without having to rewrite/retest the functions:

    int x[NELEM]
    fn1(x, NELEM)


    int x[NPROC][NELEM]
    for (int p=0; p<NPROC; p++) fn1(x[p], NELEM);

In a SYCL kernel, fn1(x[item.get_linear_id()], NELEM); would be all I need without having to rewite the function(s) to understand ids and/or accessors.

The SYCL issue with the above code is that in the kernal C++ I can not seem recast the accessor pointer to a 2D pointer. This is allowable in the application C++ (see code above).

Maybe this is a bad way to right code, but it makes it easy to develop/test code that works for scalar and data parallel codeand keeps libraries somewhat portable. It's also provides a way around the SYCL 3 dimension limit on buffers/accessors.

Anyway, I'm curious as to what a real SYCL programmer would think.

Full code for toy example:

#include <CL/sycl.hpp>
#include <cstdio>

namespace sycl = cl::sycl;

const int Nproc=3;
const int Nelem=4;

/** elemental function **/
fn1(int *h, int n)
  for (int i=0; i<n; i++) h[i] = 10*h[i]+2*i;

main(int argc, char *argv[])

  /** Make some memory **/
  int x1d[Nproc * Nelem];
  for (int j=0; j<Nproc; j++) {
    for (int i=0; i<Nelem; i++) x1d[j*Nelem+i] = 10*j+i;
  for (int i=0; i<Nelem; i++) {
    printf("%d : ", i);
    for (int j=0; j<Nproc; j++) printf("%d ", x1d[j*Nelem+i]);

  /** Reshape it into 2D **/
  int (*x2d)[Nelem] = (int (*)[Nelem])x1d;
  for (int j=0; j<Nproc; j++) fn1(x2d[j], Nelem);
  for (int i=0; i<Nelem; i++) {
    printf("%d : ", i);
    for (int j=0; j<Nproc; j++) printf("%d ", x2d[j][i]);

  /** SYCL setup **/
  sycl::device dev = sycl::default_selector().select_device();
  std::cout << "Device: " 
      << "name: " << dev.get_info<sycl::info::device::name>() << std::endl
      << "vendor: " << dev.get_info<sycl::info::device::vendor>() << std::endl;
  sycl::queue q(dev);

    sycl::buffer<int, 1> xbuffer(x1d, sycl::range<1> {Nproc*Nelem});

    q.submit([&](sycl::handler& cgh) {
        int nelem = Nelem;
        auto xaccessor = xbuffer.get_access<sycl::access::mode::read_write, sycl::access::target::global_buffer>(cgh);
        cgh.parallel_for<class k0>(
            sycl::range<1> {Nproc}, 
            [=] (sycl::item<1> item) {
                int idx = item.get_linear_id();
#if 0
                int *xptr = (int *)xaccessor.get_pointer();    // doing this does work so we _can_ get a real pointer
                fn1(xptr + nelem*idx, nelem);
                int (*xptr)[nelem] = (int (*)[nelem])xaccessor.get_pointer();
                //int *ptr = (int *)xaccessor.get_pointer();   // splitting it into two doesn't work either
                //int (*xptr)[nelem] = (int (*)[nelem])ptr;
                fn1(xptr[idx], nelem);
  printf("2D SYCL\n");
  for (int i=0; i<Nelem; i++) {
    printf("%d : ", i);
    for (int j=0; j<Nproc; j++) printf("%d ", x1d[j*Nelem+i]);

Edit 1:

Per illuhad's comment I tried to flesh out some alternatives.

First the two commented lines seem like they should do what he suggests:

    int *ptr = (int *)xaccessor.get_pointer();
    int (*xptr)[nelem] = (int (*)[nelem])ptr;

but in fact it yields this error:

    error: cannot initialize a variable of type 'int (*)[nelem]' with an rvalue of type 'int (*)[nelem]'
                int (*xptr)[nelem] = (int (*)[nelem])ptr;
                      ^              ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

adding a "get()" to the end of the get_pointer yields the same.

Curiously, addressing the "initialize" part of the error:

    int *ptr = (int *)xaccessor.get_pointer().get();
    int (*xptr)[nelem];
    xptr = (int (*)[nelem])ptr;

Yields the amusing error:

    error: incompatible pointer types assigning to 'int (*)[nelem]' from 'int (*)[nelem]'
                xptr = (int (*)[nelem])ptr;

So if/when someone gets the time, I'm still curious...

Don't have time for an in-depth reply at the moment, so haven't verified, but I suspect the issue is that get_pointer() returns a global_ptr<T>, not a pointer. global_ptr<T> defines a conversion operator to T*, such that it can be implicitly converted to T*. This is why the 1D case works. For 2D, you would first need to explicitly convert the global_ptr to T* using the get() member function. You can then cast this pointer to whatever you like.illuhad

1 Answers


Short answer: Not a SYCL issue ;)

Based on your edit 1, it is clear that if the lines

int *ptr = (int *)xaccessor.get_pointer();
int (*xptr)[nelem] = (int (*)[nelem])ptr;

cause a conversion error in the second line, it cannot really be a DPC++/SYCL issue as there are only variations of int pointers involved, and nothing related to SYCL is going on here.

In fact, the issue is that nelem is not a compile-time constant. So, the following non-SYCL test program

int main(){
  int nelem = 10;
  int* ptr = nullptr;
  int (*xptr)[nelem] = (int (*)[nelem])ptr;

reproduces your issue when compiling with regular clang or gcc with -pedantic. By default however, gcc supports variable length arrays as an extension in C++, so the code happens to compile even if it is not valid C++.

Your issue is solved by turning nelem into a compile-time constant, as required by C++. Variable length arrays are part of newer versions of C, but not part of C++.