I am a newbie in programming. I want to create an HTML page which have some buttons to invoke popular UPI payments apps like Google Pay, Paytm, PhonePe, etc. but i dont know how to invoke those application and passing them a url "upi://pay?pa=xyz@paytm&pn=Paytm%20Merchant&mc=abc&mode=02&orgid=000000&paytmqr=abcdefg&sign=abc+xyz/pqr/+stu".
like <a href="<protocol to invoke app with the upi url parameter>">Donate/Pay via this Payment App</a>
i can tell you the reference like whatsapp https://api.whatsapp.com/send?phone=<country-code-digit><10-digitmobile-number>
start the chat with given phone number in the url after verifying if that number with country code exist in whatsapp user list.
protocol. – Swetank Poddar